This Guide Will Help You Figure Out What Those Tricky And Fun Southern Phrases Mean

Published on 12/22/2020

Till The Cows Come Home

Again, you do not need to have a farm of your own to use this term. Do you have a friend that promises to be right back even though they typically take a very long time? We have all been there. This is a nifty phrase for a situation like that! You are going to be waiting till the cows come home when that happens. This implies that the wait will not be short, so you might as well do a different thing in the meantime.

Till The Cows Come Home

Till The Cows Come Home


No Bigger Than A Minnow In A Fishing Pond

As you already know by now, people are fond of their euphemisms and metaphors in the south. This phrase is straight to the point, but you might still be confused. It is a fun way to describe a small thing when you are telling a story. People from the south will drive the point home by saying that it is no bigger than a minnow in a fishing pond! We all know the minnows are much smaller than the bass.

No Bigger Than A Minnow In A Fishing Pond

No Bigger Than A Minnow In A Fishing Pond