This Guide Will Help You Figure Out What Those Tricky And Fun Southern Phrases Mean

Published on 12/22/2020

Barking Up The Wrong Tree

This is more common than the other entries on the list. Even though you are familiar with it, you might not have known that this came from down south. The truth is that we bark up the wrong tree a lot of the time. We simply fail to recognize that this is the case unless someone tells us about it. Someone is said to be barking up the wrong tree when they are assuming the wrong thing. Your parent might have once told you, “If you think I’m going to give you $100, then you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Barking Up The Wrong Tree



We agree that this looks like a very silly word! However, you might be unable to stop yourself from saying it once you start. It is a lot of fun to say it out loud! You are wrong if you assumed that it has anything to do with cats, however. This refers to something out of sorts, like that painting in the living room that tilts to the right. Your southerner friend might say that it is pretty cattywampus! Get it now?

