You’ve probably seen how popular kale has become in recent years. This did not happen by chance, as it is a vegetable high in fiber and protein. Furthermore, it is a low-energy-density snack that will have you feeling full in no time. A single cup of this contains just 33 calories, but it also contains 2.5 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein! You should jump on board since it is undeniably healthy for you.
It’s no secret that tomatoes are quite adaptable. Nonetheless, it has more to offer than that. It is, after all, high in vitamins A and C. In addition, it contains potassium, chromium, folate, and fiber. You may also have heard that it is high in lycopene, a pigment that fights illness and gives the fruit its red color. Last but not least, it is high in fiber. If you nibble on these red superstars, you will not be hungry.