Undercover Boss
Do you think it was a good idea for employees to finally receive the recognition they deserve for their contributions? For this show, executives from different companies infiltrate their employees’ places of work to see how well they perform while on the clock while on the job. Of course, this also provides them with some valuable insight into the operation of the company. This so-called reality show is actually a staged production with a predetermined outcome. And, perhaps more importantly, they do not follow through on the promises they make to various employees. Yikes.

Undercover Boss
Hardcore Pawn
In Hardcore Pawn, the Gold family and their pawn shop in Detroit’s impoverished 8 Mile neighborhood, which they own and operate, are chronicled in detail. Can you believe how many strange people pass by their shop on a daily basis? It’s incredible. Isn’t it true that many of the arguments presented on the show appear to be far too unbelievable to be true? As it turns out, this is the case. There were “fights,” according to a large number of people who appeared on the show, that were staged. When it comes to getting into a fight with a customer, what are the chances that Ashley, Les, and Seth will do so in each episode? Make the calculations.

Hardcore Pawn