Trump Tower
With his fortune on the rise once again, Donald Trump began to fantasize about changing New York City History and its skyline. He planned the development of the Trump Towers for years. Eventually, the plan was approved. Construction finished in 1982. Below is Trump holding a model of the Fifth Avenue Complex project. It said in a report that “one of the apartments will sell for $11 million and [Trump] claims four bidders – none of them Americans – are bidding for it.”

Trump Tower
Ivana Zelníčková
In 1978, Donald Trump had his Manhattan real estate business booming. This is what made him a billionaire. He received a 50% stake in the Commodore Hotel situated beside the Grand Centra Terminal. In 1980, this hotel was redefined by the name: Grand Hyatt Hotel. The hotel was developed in partnership with the Hyatt chain of hotels. In those days, it was not all business for Trump. In 1977, he married Ivana Zelníčková. They had 3 children together but their marriage ended in 1922 as it was exposed that Trump was having an affair with Marla Maples.

Ivana Zelníčková