Get Ready To Be Shocked When You See What These Wrestlers Look Like When Unmasked

Published on 07/30/2020


Did you know that the real name of Gangrel is David heath? He used to be feared back in the ‘90s. We can understand why that is the case from his photos alone. His appearance must be the main reason for his popularity. However, his fellow wrestlers have said that he does not really act that way in real life.

Gangrel – $500k



It is now time for us to talk about the greatest wrestlers in the industry! We all have our favorites, so it was hard to choose. Among other things, we will talk about their stage presence, skills, and finishing moves. Do you think that your favorite wrestler is going to be here?

Big Show

In the ‘90s, Big Show was actually introduced as a competitor of Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan. It is hard to believe, but people used to underestimate his skills. Why on earth would they do that? At any rate, a lot of fans were impressed by his size. Other wrestlers feared him for this very reason.

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Big Show