Major Weight-Loss Of Some Of Your Favorite Celebrities

Published on 03/30/2020

The hardships of staying healthy and in shape is something that almost everyone struggles with, that includes the rich and famous. Celebrities are constantly in the spotlight and they often feel the pressure, with even the slightest weight gain being broadcast. We have compiled a list of celebs that have cracked the weight-loss code and have mastered the art of keeping the pounds off for good. You will be absolutely in awe of #7!

Christina Aguilera

Pop sensation Christina Aguilera starts off our list at 35-years old and looking better than she has before. Christina has a small frame and managed to shed 50 pounds. Aguilera was heavily criticized in 2012 for her curvy figure. However, that was short-lived once she was pictured the following year positively as she lost a rather substantial amount of weight.

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera


Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson is a Super Bowl legend with her astounding performances. Nowadays she is rebranding and focusing on herself, Janet has lost 60+ pounds and has accomplished a major goal of shedding 60+ pounds. Good on Janet.

Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson