70 Years Of Marriage Revealed A Startling Truth

Published on 05/25/2023

Tiny Steps Forward

Peggy was told that the Red Cross would provide them with whatever information they had about what had happened to Billie, so she did her best to cling to the ray of hope that the organization had supplied. They would not conduct an official search, but they would tell her what they knew about the situation. The information continued to trickle in, and Peggy gradually pieced together the truth. Where might she look for solutions to her questions?

Slight Advancements

Tiny Steps Forward


Totally Committed

During World Wars I and II, wives and families were left in absolute despair when they received telegrams notifying them of the fate of the people they loved about the most, as well as the cloudy and dreary times they lived through. Peggy was one of many people who never heard from their loved ones, including her Billie, but in other cases, servicemen would bring the news. Peggy’s door hadn’t been knocked on, she hadn’t received a telegram, and she was still in the dark about what had transpired after seventy years. Peggy had nothing but love and devotion for Billie, and she was firm in her belief that they would spend the rest of their lives as husband and wife.

Completely Commited

Totally Committed