Uses Of WD-40 You Never Knew About

Published on 10/30/2019

Preventing Snow Buildup On Windows

Winter can truly be beautiful, but it can be difficult to appreciate the scenery if the windows are all misted up. Spray some WD-40 to solve this. Actually, before the snow starts, you should spray your windows to prevent snow from resting on them in the first place.

Preventing Snow Buildup On Windows

Preventing Snow Buildup On Windows


Protecting Against Wasps

Summer is perfect for getting out and enjoying the sunshine! However, we humans aren’t the only ones who think so. Wasps and bees also enjoy the heat express and they all come out to build their new homes at this time. The problem is that they usually choose to build homes in our rafters! Spray WD-40 in areas where the flying fellas might set up so that they will choose another place.

Protecting Against Wasps

Protecting Against Wasps