This Guide Will Help You Figure Out What Those Tricky And Fun Southern Phrases Mean

Published on 12/22/2020

Full As A Tick

When was the last time that you felt way too full after a meal? This often happens to us when we visit our folks for the weekend. You might even have to pull the zipper of our pants down to accommodate it! When you are in the south, you can say, “I’m full as a tick.” If you are lucky enough to be unfamiliar with ticks, they balloon after drinking a fair amount of blood! It is not a nice image, but if the shoe fits.

Full As A Tick

Full As A Tick


Hold Your Horses

Not everyone owns a horse, but the phrase does not require you to have one! It is just a common phrase that people throw around all the time in the south. If someone ever tells you this, they just want you to slow down a little. We all know that it takes a lot of self-control to remain patient at all times. However, it can’t hurt to simmer down and take it easy every now and then!

Hold Your Horses

Hold Your Horses