Lisa Whelchel – Then
Lisa Whelchel had become a popular person on TV from a young age, showing up initially as a Mousekeeper on the New Mickey Mouse Club. She had indeed shown up at the age of fifteen in an impressive 130 Disney episode. However, most people acknowledge Whelchel as Blair Warner in The Facts of Life for her role and played the identity for nine consecutive seasons. Blair may be a little troublemaker, who, in equal proportion, is indeed narcissistic and shallow and moreover hilarious kindhearted.

Lisa Whelchel – Then
Lisa Whelchel – Now
Pretty shortly after the 1980s ended, Whelchel’s career also took ages. This appeared to correlate with her matrimony with Steven Cauble whom she had three children but finally separated in 2012. It was the same year in which Whelchel took part in the hit game show Survivor: the Philippines, wherein she came in second. She also did receive $100,000 when she was voted as a fan’s favorite. Whelchel is now doing a great deal of work as an empowering speaker.

Lisa Whelchel – Now