Woman Gave Birth To Quadruplets And Wowed The Doctors After They Saw The Babies’ Faces

Published on 04/27/2021

For any pregnant woman, the feelings that come with motherhood can be overwhelming. When Bethani Webb, a first-time mother, learned she was expecting quadruplets, her joy, fear, excitement, and trepidation were multiplied fourfold. And there was one more surprise in store for Bethani once she arrived in the delivery room. When the doctors examined her newborns more closely, they found something truly astonishing.

Woman Gave Birth To Quadruplets And Wowed The Doctors After They Saw The Babies' Faces

Woman Gave Birth To Quadruplets And Wowed The Doctors After They Saw The Babies’ Faces


Early Marriage

The Webbs are a common Canadian pair from Northern Alberta, and their relationship starts out like so many others. Tim and Bethani married in their early twenties, and like many other happily married couples, they began to consider having children.

Early Marriage

Early Marriage