Here Are Some Photos From The 90s That Will Make You Think How It Happened

Published on 12/02/2020

Jennifer Lopez Enjoying An Iced Coffee, 1997

Even from early on during her career, Jennifer was a fighter. She fought for what she believed in, which was being paid her worth. She proved her point when she drew comparisons to George Clooney getting 10 million dollars while Universal Studios was paying her “cheap” for their role on the $100 Million-grossing film, Anaconda.

Jennifer Lopez Enjoying An Iced Coffee, 1997

Jennifer Lopez Enjoying An Iced Coffee, 1997


Young Matthew McConaughey

“What’s wrong with beating your drums while in your birthday suit?” That was what Matthew McConaughey said after he was caught for possessing marijuana and resisting arrest while playing the bongos in the nude in 1999.

Young Matthew McConaughey

Young Matthew McConaughey