Last Comic Standing
In its earlier existence, this show’s primary focus was on discovering undiscovered talent and providing them with exposure or cash prizes in exchange for competing. However, the truth was that the producers had swayed the vote, which was completely unknown to the judges and contestants. As soon as the winner’s name was announced, the entire room erupted in laughter. According to some reports, the show manipulates positive performances in order to make them appear negative.
The Apprentice
According to some, this reality show is responsible for reintroducing Donald Trump to the public. There were several celebrities and businessmen who were interviewed for a position at the current President’s firm, which was the focus of the storyline. There’s no doubt that the firing scene was added and scripted for dramatic effect. Even before they filmed the scene, the contestants were well aware that they were about to be fired. Most people agreed that the fact that the winner received no tangible prize other than bragging rights was the most disappointing aspect of the show.