As a football player at NYMA Donald was a big fan of the sport, this may be why he bought a football team. Little did he know that would be his future. He also tried to run an American football league. The league had been built to compete with the popular National Football League.

Proud Parents
Donald Trump shared this photo on his Facebook page with the caption, “#TBT Myself with mother and father at New York Military Academy. See, I can be very military. High rank!” He said he was “very military,” but it was forgotten that he deferred five separate drafts during the Vietnam War. Four of these were for time spent in college. The last, was due to a bone spur diagnosis in his heels. This information is being put in the spotlight much more recently. The daughter of the doctor who diagnosed him said that it was a simple favor to Fred Trump. Apparently, Fred was the landlord of the podiatrist who made the “diagnosis.”

Proud Parents