Happier Times
Here is Donald and Fred Trump with Ed Koch, who was then mayor of New York City. The photo was taken in July 1982, they seem happy in the photo. However, Trump would not be so happy to see that his decision to purchase casinos in New Jersey was not profitable. The financial performance of his owned properties in Atlantic City were degenerating. He was forced to sell Trump SHuttle, his airline. The next asset to be sold was Trump Princess, his mega yacht. In 1995, he consolidated the casino properties under the name Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts. It went bankrupt and restructured in 2004 and 2009 only.

Happier Times
Football Fan
Trump had an additional failed attempt in the Garden State. He hired Walt Michaels who was tasked as the Head Coach for the New Jersey Generals, his United States Football league Team. The team had been purchased in 1983 and the goal was for it to be a worthy contender against the National Football League. However, it was a major mistake trying to run the league. Many teams were losing money, and the fact that Trump wanted to move the schedule to fall/winter for it to directly compete with the NFL was not on their side. The USFL filed an antitrust suit against the more developed league and won, however, it only received $1 for it. Since it was a “victory in name only,” many teams could no longer afford the expenses that were associated with running the teams.

Football Fan