Rare Photos From Donald Trump’s Childhood

Published on 04/26/2020

Trump Tower Opening

Pictured below is Trump and lawyer Roy Cohn, this was during the launch of the Trump Tower in 1983. The two men are longtime friends. Cohn was, in fact, counsel for Trump during the federal lawsuit claimed by the Justice Department in which they said that Trump was not abiding by the Fair Housing Act at 39. In accordance with the file, he quoted different conditions with regards to rent, terms, and statuses to African-American clients so that they would not rent the properties. Cohn lost the case, forcing Trump to settle in 1975. Three years later he returned to court for violating the terms of the 1975 settlement.

Trump Tower Opening

Trump Tower Opening



The photo below is of Trump in Trump Tower in 1984. Trump spoke to reporters saying, “What I have done is build the most beautiful buildings in the best locations.” In the ’80s. both the Wollman Rink and the Plaza hotel were renovated. When the ’90s came around, he renovated the Gulf and Western Building and the Bank of Manhattan Trust Building on Columbus Circle and 40 Wall Street. Proceeding the major renovation it became the Trump Building. He also wanted to rename the Empire State Building after purchasing shares in it. He was hoping for the name, “Trump Empire State Building Tower Apartments.”

