Take A Walk Down Memory Lane By Checking Out American Airlines That No Longer Roam The Skies

Published on 08/26/2020

Braniff International Airways

When it was in operation, Braniff International Airways had its HQ in Texas. It covered the Midwest, the South, and Latin America. Yahoo reports that there had been a couple of factors that led to its demise. According to the publication, it was a combination of the Airline Deregulation Act, the messy oil market, and the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization strike fallout. Did you know that Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame named the production company after the carrier? If you watch the end of the earlier episodes, you will see that they used five seconds of one Braniff commercial for the production logo. Things only changed when it was renamed to Parker-Stone Productions.

Braniff International Airways

Braniff International Airways


Mid Pacific Air

Even though it is a Hawaiian carrier like Aloha Airlines, Mid Pacific Air did not enjoy as much success in the industry. According to one of its brochures, it claimed to offer “the lowest inter-island fares of the three major inter-island carriers.” It sounds similar to what other airlines had been saying in those days and even up until now. Aside from that, the brochure read, “Low fares are only a part of what has made Mid Pacific Air a phenomenal success in an era of failing airlines.” Sadly, this did not seem to be enough to keep it afloat. In the end, the company joined the list of airlines that went downhill during the ‘90s.

15. Mid Pacific Air

Mid Pacific Air