Aloha Airlines
According to CheatSheet, Aloha Airlines met its demise thanks to competition and rising fuel prices. This had been the second largest airline company in Hawaii until it shut down. When ABC News spoke to an aviation historian called Peter Forman, he said that it was “responding to the prejudices of the time.” The expert said that founder Rudy Tongg was of the belief that there had been discrimination in the industry. Sadly, customers lost faith in it after the Flight 243 fiasco. Part of the roof broke down, flew off, and took a flight attendant with it. Despite this, it was a good thing that pilot was able to land safely.

Aloha Airlines
Central Airlines
Like the name indicates, this carrier serviced the American heartland. We are talking about states such as Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma. According to Yahoo, this focus did not help it succeed as this part of the country is sparsely populated. This means that there were fewer passengers who used the services of the airline. With its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, Frontier Airlines eventually bought Central Airlines. For the sake of clarity, this is not the same Frontier Airlines currently in operation. The takeaway from this is that you should always diversify the client base to make as much profit as you can.

Central Airlines