Take A Walk Down Memory Lane By Checking Out American Airlines That No Longer Roam The Skies

Published on 08/26/2020

U.S. Airways

This airline got its start under the name All American Aviation back in 1937. It underwent a couple of changes before it became known as the U.S. Airways. Yahoo said that U.S. Airways absorbed the airline company in 2015. It is best known for the infamous Flight 1549, also known as “the miracle on the Hudson.” A pilot by the name of Chelsey “Sully” Sullenberger managed to land the flight to safety on the Hudson River in New York when the engine was knocked out by a flock of geese. What made it so newsworthy was the fact that he ended up saving every single person aboard the plane! Whew.

U.S. Airways

U.S. Airways

PeoplExpress Airlines

These days, Spirit or Frontier Airlines would be the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to low-cost airlines. Yahoo says that PeoplExpress had been their forerunner of sorts. It did well for a couple of years and even started offering transatlantic flights to the United Kingdom in 1983. Sadly, its downfall came about thanks to things outside of its control. There are several things that led to its eventual demise. The list includes its cheap airfare and a widening network. In 1987, PeoplExpress was purchased by Continental Airlines. In turn, UAL Corporation went on to buy the parent company in 2012.

PeoplExpress Airlines

PeoplExpress Airlines