Take A Walk Down Memory Lane By Checking Out American Airlines That No Longer Roam The Skies

Published on 08/26/2020

Midway Airlines

Here is another airline using the same name as another airline. However, the Midway Airlines that we are talking about had its HQ in North Carolina. It got its start through Jet Express with a route from Chicago to New York City in 1993. The company was based in North Carolina thanks to limited gate space and competition. Sadly, it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on August 13, 2001. The following year, it decided to cease operations altogether. Government documents revealed that it applied for Chapter 7 in 2003 as well. Sadly, court documents have revealed that it failed to reorganize and rehabilitate the business.

Midway Airlines

Midway Airlines


Paradise Island Airlines

We have already talked about the adventures of a resort company in the aviation industry. Aside from MGM Grand Air, Merv Griffin Enterprises’ Resorts International decided to give it a go with Paradise Island Airlines. Chalk’s used to take passengers to Paradise Island but was limited to daytime flights. In an effort to increase traffic, the resort started a whole new airline. Sadly, Paradise Island Airlines went downhill after only one year because of ownership complications. A 1989 Sun Sentinel article reported that it was operated by Chalk’s. At the time, Paradise Island Airlines had been slated to increase the number of tourists going to Paradise Island threefold.

Paradise Island Airlines

Paradise Island Airlines