Take A Walk Down Memory Lane By Checking Out American Airlines That No Longer Roam The Skies

Published on 08/26/2020

Independence Air

This airline company started out under the name Atlantic Coast Airlines. In those days, it had been a budget airline. The business model found it hard to gain a foothold in the industry since it tried to draw in customers with amazing deals. Even though it was supposed to attract clients, it did not work out like that. In fact, it only led to its downfall. In 2006, ABC News reported that there was nothing surprising about its failure to keep up with its competitors. The report said, “the failure further underscored the old but true adage that to make a million dollars in the airline business, you simply start with a billion.”

Independence Air

Independence Air


Mid-Continent Airlines

Here is another older airline on our list. Can you believe that this carrier started its operations in 1928? As you might have guessed from its name, Mid-Continent Airlines was based out of the central United States. It flew important routes around the region and eventually joined a merger with Braniff Airways, which we have already mentioned earlier in this gallery. Around the time that this happened, it had its headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri. According to a Braniff International historical website, Mid-Continent Airlines operated a fleet of four Convair 240s and 23 Douglas DC-3s over 6,241 miles. In the ‘50s, the routes went from Minnesota to Louisiana to Texas.

Mid Continent Airlines

Mid-Continent Airlines