How Much Did These Actors And Actresses Make For These Famous TV Commercials?

Published on 05/10/2020

Tiger Woods – $100 Million

You were wrong if you thought that Tiger Woods would no longer land endorsement deals after all the controversy. He has still managed to bag a contract with Nike after the scandal. In fact, they did not only hire him but also paid him $100 million. After his unbelievable behavior, the endorsement deal had every chance to be a big failure. Many people could not help but be surprised to hear that the sales of the company went up after this move! The golfer showed us that he is truly unstoppable even though it had been a risky thing for Nike to do. We have no idea why they were willing to risk $100 million on him but that does not change the fact that they made the right call.

Tiger Woods - $100 Million

Tiger Woods – $100 Million

Mr. Mayhem From The Allstate Commercials – $4,750 Per Commercial Airing

Dean Winters is a guy with a funny personality. The best marketing ideas of Allstate all happen to be Mr. Mayhem ones. People love this guy, and the star gets nearly $5,000 every time they air the commercials. Fun fact: the character is based on Mr. White from the Tarantino film Reservoir Dogs. He always tells everyone about whatever ‘mayhem’ he is about to get into but reassures us that it is all going to be fine with Allstate. He kicked off his career in 1997 and has since worked on a number of TV shows. He has been in Law & Order: SVU, Rescue Me, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Apart from this, he also plays a recurring character called Ryan in Oz.

Mr. Mayhem From The Allstate Commercials - $4,750 Per Commercial Airing

Mr. Mayhem From The Allstate Commercials – $4,750 Per Commercial Airing