Here Is The List Of Celebrities Who Lost Weight Naturally And Under The Knife

Published on 04/16/2020

David Banner: Low-Calorie Diet & Fitness Training

Rapper David Banner grew up eating comfort food and developed a fast food addiction. The rapper’s hypertension and sleep apnea are triggered by 200 more pounds. The deadly combination propelled the 9mm hitmaker into a low-calorie diet and a fitness routine. His high-calorie salad dressing was also changed, and his sweet tooth was filled with sugarless vegan cookies.    

David Banner: Low-Calorie Diet & Fitness Training


Sarah Ferguson: Special Diet

In the last five years, Sarah Ferguson, ex-wife of Duchess of York and Prince Andrew, has lost about three stones and has maintained it off from a special diet – a combination of egg mayo, tomatoes, and mandarins. Since her parents separated, the Duchess has always found comfort in food and used it to console herself. As she ‘ ballooned ‘ to thirteen stone, she took her well being seriously. Today, her odd diet and a rigorous fitness regimen help her remain fit. 

Sarah Ferguson: Special Diet