Sleep Is The Key To Exam Success
We have all been there when it comes to staying up late during exam season, studying all hours of the night trying to cram in the last minute material. While you may think you’re doing yourself a favor, you’re doing the opposite. You must get 7-8 hours of sleep per night, so your brain can fully function the following day. We want our concentration levels as well as energy levels to be high and that can only happen if you are getting the amount of sleep your body is asking for. You are probably sitting there, reading this and thinking to yourself that this is impossible. Don’t say and listen to what we have to say first!
While you may not be getting in the hours you need during the night, naps can be your best friend. The key is to take a 30-minute nap and not more, so your brain stays active. Research shows that brief study periods followed by naps will help you feel more engaged and energetic when you return to your studies.
If you create a study schedule before you start exams then you can give yourself a certain time you have to be asleep and when to wake up. The importance to give a window frame from when you get in bed to when you fall asleep. This may take time as your body need to slowly ease into the sleep phase. This is the same for waking up, nobody wants to jump out of bed the second their alarm goes off.
The Bottom Line
You may think that sacrificing sleep to study more material is going to help you ace the test. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is not going to happen! Without sleep, you may even crash during the test. We certainly don’t want that to happen so make sure you’re staying consistent with your sleep patterns!