Most Horrifying College Roommate Experiences

Published on 09/25/2019

College Roomate

Most Horrifying College Roommate Experiences

Even if you’re living with your best friend, you’ll inevitably come across issues when living together. Finding the perfect roommate is difficult to find, but some of us get lucky, while others get the absolute worst. Here are some of the worst roommate experiences that will make you appreciative of what you’ve got!

The Stealer

The worst roommate is one that steals your food, your clothes, and the worst of all, your money. Never leave cash lying around because you might get stuck with a roommate who sneaks into your drawer, takes your money, and thinks you won’t even notice! Taking clothes and pretending they are yours is bad enough, but have you ever been certain that you have $300 in your account, to then see a balance of -$20?! Never be too trusting with your roommate, because they may even take your debit card…

The Dirty Roommate

Being messy we can handle. It’s annoying to see clothes lying around, dishes in the sink, and an unmade bed. But none of that compares to a truly dirty roommate. The kind of person who attracts ants into the apartment because he/she doesn’t close his/her food. It’s not that hard to make sure everything is sealed shut! And what’s worse? Cutting your toenails on the living room furniture is unacceptable, this is a communal living area!

The Clingy One

Have you ever had a roommate who thought she was involved in all your plans? Instead of asking, “What are you doing tonight?” its ” What are WE doing tonight?” It is nice to be civil with the person you are living with, friendly, even best friends are okay! But there’s something called BOUNDARIES! And this is very important.  Clingy roommates are the worst kind of people. They think grocery shopping is a group activity, and even worse they accompany you with every plan with friends. Even with your boyfriend? Okay, that’s crossing the line…